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Dear Friends & Family,


God is good, all the time! I am heading to the Middle East/North Africa this Feb. 23 - March 11, and would love to keep you all updated on the trip and the wonderful Christians I will meet over there. Our primary purpose for this trip is to encourage, pray for, and be God's hands as He provides for these dear persecuted believers. We will visit Morocco, Egypt, and Israel.


Let me back up a little. A year ago, I began working as a Media Specialist for Living Stones International. I've known of Dr. Pat for many, many years, but it was truly eye-opening for me to learn more about the trials that Christians in Muslim-Majority Countries face. As a ministry, Living Stones tells the stories of these trials, and encourages American churches to pray for these Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Living Stones also provides other needs as they arise, and I've been so blessed to see how life-changing it is for us to help our fellow Christians in difficult circumstances. "Difficult" is an understatement, because the stories that we sometimes can't even tell in our monthly prayer letters defy understanding. â€‹ But God brings light and life into these dark stories, and the Christians stand firm in their faith despite their struggles and are encouraged to know that we are praying for them. What a privilege to witness that! And in a few weeks, I will be able to meet them face to face, and Lord willing, encourage them.


My primary need is PRAYER. Lifting all of us up in prayer is the greatest thing you can do for me, for the Living Stones team, and for those dear Believers overseas. Please pray for God to be glorified, no matter what. And whatever else the Holy Spirit brings to you, please intercede for us. Thank you for praying!


If God leads you to contribute financially, that is all up to you and Him! I'm confident that if God wants me to go, He will provide. The trip will cost about $5000 for each of us (airfare, hotels, transportation, food) and I am excited to see God move. 


If you're interested in giving, mail a check to:

Living Hope EFC
PO Box 264
Saint Francis MN 55070

In the check memo line, write "Missions Trip." Please do not put my name anywhere on the check (see note from Living Hope below).

You may also give online through Living Hope. Type "Missions Trip" as a note/memo. Again, please don't put my name on the transaction.


THANK YOU! And may God bless you abundantly!


In His Service,


Tram Jones



*FROM LIVING HOPE:  This is a designated contribution. Contributions will be allocated to the Designated-Missions Fund. Monies will be disbursed from the Designated-Missions Fund, per Deacon Team. Any excess monies for a specific mission’s trip will be kept in the Designated-Missions Fund, for use later – or if the fund is closed, the monies will be put into the General Fund. Thank you for your contribution!!






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Physical Address 

1450 237th Ave NE East Bethel, MN 55005


Coffee & Fellowship at 9:30 am

Service at 10:00 am

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Mailing Address 

P.O. Box 264, St. Francis, MN 55070



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